Thursday, December 31, 2015

goodbye, 2015.

2015 has been a big year for the Kortlevers! We made good progress on work/education goals, one of us turned 30, and of course - we made a person! Here are some quick reflections:

Best Memory of 2015

Ben: It's so hard to pick just one, but meeting Arden for the first time was definitely the most significant and powerful moment of the past year.  I didn't know how we'd make it, but a month later she smiled for the first time and I knew we'd be just fine.
Candice: Meeting my daughter for the first time - not only in person, but also other aspects like the first ultrasound, and the first time I felt her kicking. We've had so many incredible blessings this year.
Arden: Bouncing.  I love to bounce.

Most Challenging Moment

Ben: Seeing Candice go through all the pain and discomfort of pregnancy, labour and delivery.  Also the first time Arden cried so hard she turned purple.
Candice: Giving birth is the obvious one, but the weeks afterward were extremely challenging. Caring for a newborn is no picnic, especially on the other side of the world from our families.
Arden: Immunisations.  At just just 6 weeks old you stick me with needles?! Also, being born - that's no picnic either!

Most Excited for in the New Year

Ben: Hearing Arden's first word (which will be "dada" obviously) and introducing her to the rest of the family.
Candice: Watching Arden grow, and hopefully gaining a little more independence so I can maybe eat a meal with two hands again? I'm also looking forward to more playful interaction, especially when she gains total head control and starts to laugh.
Arden: I hear teething is fun!

Most Anticipated Movie 

Ben: Captain America - Civil War.  Independence Day Resurgence would be, but an Independence Day without Will Smith is just wrong.
Candice: Batman vs. Superman looks interesting. A funny Lex Luthor with hair - why not?
Arden: I have high hopes for the Point Break remake.

2016 Resolutions

Ben: There are so many things I want to introduce Arden to.  I want to spend time reading to her, teaching her to crawl, walk, and geologize.  As for me personally, I'd like to travel and see more of Australia.
Candice: I really hope to finish up my Master's degree by the end of the year. And maybe do some fun artsy projects with Arden. Record a song together? Design some greeting cards? I think we'll have a lot of fun together.
Arden: Head control.  I really need to get that down.

Thanks so much for keeping up with us this year! We wish you all a wonderful end of 2015/beginning of 2016.

-the Kortlever Family

Thursday, December 24, 2015

merry christmas!

Wishing everyone a festive, wonderful Christmas!

the Kortlevers

Saturday, December 12, 2015

ben is tired.

The midwife places Arden on Candice, freshly delivered and still covered in blood and amniotic fluid, and suddenly we are parents.  I'll never forget that moment, sharing a look of shock and awe with Candice, then staring at this beautiful girl we have been creating in our minds for the past 9 months.

Flash forward 6 weeks and Arden is wearing 0-3 month clothes (I may have shed a tear when we had to box up all the newborn outfits), growing heavier and more squeezable by the day, and increasing her vocal prowess to the point where I worry about the state of our windows when she screams.
My head constantly feels a bit cloudy, on account of the lack of sleep, and probably the ever present shock that hasn't completely worn off since Arden was born.  Don't get me wrong, I love her like I've known her for years and feel very comfortable being a father, but the knowledge that she is ours and totally dependent on us is a bit overwhelming.
Bouncing has become our life.  Bouncing to comfort our cuddly little girl, who hates being put down during the day.  On hot days, we turn on the A/C and bounce in front of the fan, and while we watch The Tonight Show one of us will inevitably be bouncing around the living room to try and lull her to sleep.  I make dinner, Candice bounces.  Candice takes a shower, I bounce.  Daddy needs to check his fantasy football team, Mommy gets out the Moby wrap and bounces.  Bounce, bounce, bounce!  At least we are getting a workout.

I was fortunate to be able to take 3 weeks off work when Arden was born, and treasured those first few weeks getting to know our daughter.  Eventually we settled into a nice routine, and one of my favourite times became the early morning when I would take Arden to the living room and let Candice sleep for a couple extra hours.  Arden would still be all cozy in her swaddle, and I would sit with her on my chest and just enjoy the sound of her breathing and the feel of our hearts beating together.  I was also reminded of my Dad in those moments, who has told me many times that holding me on his chest as a baby were some of the most wonderful moments of his life.  It feels really special to know that feeling my Dad experienced with me, and to be able to share it now with my daughter.
Going back to work was really sad and difficult.  At only 3 weeks old, Arden was still so tiny and precious, and I felt so bad to leave her (and Candice).  All I wanted was to stay home with my little pod and be there to experience every new sound, facial twitch, and snuggle.  Thankfully my coworkers have been great.  They are so excited for us and love all the pictures of Arden, and I've been able to work from home one day a week too.  I still wish I could be home all the time, but I am thankful to have a job I enjoy with people I really like, and that I can provide for our growing family.

It's been a challenging few weeks raising our little girl, as we have to adjust to simple things like not eating at the same time (since someone has to bounce the baby) and her always fluctuating moods, but when she started smiling and cooing over the past week it made all the difficult moments fade away.  Yep, we've become those parents, and we love it.