Saturday, November 30, 2013

DVD regret.

When Ben and I started packing and sorting our stuff in August, we did a silly thing. We packed all our movies into a big box, and put it into storage at his family cabin in the woods. We figured, when we are newlyweds in Australia we will have no time to watch movies at home! We will be too busy dodging man-eating sharks and defending our high-rise apartment from kangaroos and watching the water in the toilets swirl in the opposite direction.* And also that weird region locking thing that makes American DVDs unplayable in other countries' DVD players. Anyway, we didn't think about the fact that our laptops would still be able to play our DVDs.

So, now we have no movies to watch. And no Netflix. Just whatever's on the telly, and whatever we can eventually get from the library. It's only a bummer because it's the holiday season, and there are certain movies we own that we like to watch for each holiday. 

Here are Ben's:

Independence Day - Independence Day
Thanksgiving - The Last Samurai
Christmas - Love Actually, LOTR Trilogy, The Family Man, the Harry Potter series

Here are mine:

Halloween - Donnie Darko, Spider-Man 2
Thanksgiving - RENT, Spider-Man 2
Christmas - The Family Stone, Spider-Man 2
New Year's - The Joy Luck Club, Spider-Man 2

I feel like you all know way too much about us now.


*I don't really know where this idea came from, but I'm pretty sure it's complete rubbish.

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